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The Buddha
The Buddha Both “Buddha” and “Gautama” here are redirected. See Gautama (disambiguation) and Buddha (disambiguation) for related terms.
The Buddha (the awakened), also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was a wandering ascetic and religious leader who lived in South Asia in the sixth or fifth century BCE and is credited with founding Buddhism.
According to Buddhist legend, he was born to royal Shakya clan parents in Lumbini, present-day Nepal, but abandoned his home life to live as a wandering ascetic (Sanskrit: ramaa). He attained enlightenment in what is now India at Bodh Gaya after living a life of begging, asceticism, and meditation. The Buddha then wandered around the lower Indo-Gangetic Plain, giving lectures and establishing monastic orders.

He advocated for a middle path that avoids extreme asceticism while still allowing for sensual indulgence, leading to Nirvana, or the freedom from ignorance, craving, rebirth, and suffering. The Noble Eightfold Path, a method of mind training that incorporates ethical instruction and meditative techniques like sense restraint, kindness toward others, mindfulness, and jhana/dhyana (proper meditation), summarizes his teachings. He achieved nirvana when he passed away in Kushinagar. Since then, numerous Asian communities and religions have honored the Buddha.
Donald Lopez Jr. , “. He was typically referred to as either Buddha or Sakyamuni in China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet, and as either Gotama Buddha or Samana Gotama (“the ascetic Gotama”) in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia.

The masculine form of budh , which means “to awaken” and “to open up” (as does a flower),” means “one who has awakened from the deep sleep of ignorance and opened his consciousness to encompass all objects of knowledge.” Buddha, “Awakened One” or “Enlightened One,” is the masculine form of budh. It is a title for people who have attained bodhi (awakening, enlightenment), not a name. The faculty that can “form and retain concepts, reason, discern, judge, comprehend, and understand” is called buddhi. It is this faculty that can distinguish between truth (satya) and falsehood.
His Family
His surname was Siddhrtha Gautama (Siddhattha Gotama in Pali). (Sanskrit; P.) “Siddhrtha”. Siddhartha; T. Don grump; C. Xidaduo and J. ; Shiddatta/Shittatta; K. Siltalta) is Sanskrit for “He Who Achieves His Goal. “Gotama,” which means “one who has the most light,” is the clan name of Gautama, and it derives from the fact that Kshatriya clans took the names of their house priests.
Even though the term “Buddha” appears in the Agamas and the Pali Canon, the earliest surviving written evidence of the term dates to the middle of the third century BCE, when several Edicts of Ashoka (reigned c. (269–232 BCE) make reference to the Buddha and Buddhism.
Historical sources
The Mahparinibba Sutta, which contains a thorough account of the Buddha’s final days, is one of the Pli suttas that, according to Indologist and Pli expert Oskar von Hinüber, still contain very archaic place-names, syntax, and historical information from just after the Buddha’s lifetime. If the Short Chronology for the Buddha’s lifetime is accepted, Hinüber suggests a composition date of no later than 350-320 BCE for this text, which would allow for a “true historical memory” of the events roughly 60 years earlier. However, he also notes that such a text was initially intended more as hagiography than as an exact historical record of events.

According to John S. Strong, the earliest texts are some biographical fragments found in the canonical texts that have been preserved in Pili, Chinese, Tibetan, and Sanskrit. These include writings like the “Discourse on the Noble Quest” (Ariyapariyesan-sutta) and its translations into other languages.
Pillar and rock Inscriptions
There were no written accounts of Gautama from his lifetime or the century or two that followed. However, starting in the third century BCE, a number of Ashoka’s Edicts (reigned c. (from 268 to 232 BCE) mentions the Buddha and Buddhism. Ashoka’s Lumbini pillar inscription, in particular, honors the Emperor’s journey to Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, and refers to him as the Buddha Shakyamuni (Brahmi script: Bu-dha Sa-kya-mu-n, “Buddha, Sage of the Shakyas”).
He issued another edict (Minor Rock Edict No. 3) makes reference to the titles of a number of Dhamma texts (“dhamma” is another word for “dharma” in Buddhism), proving that there was a written Buddhist tradition at least by the Maurya era. These writings might be the Pli Canon’s forerunners.
Biographical sources
Earlier canonical sources include the Ariyapariyesana Sutta (MN 26), the Mahparinibba Sutta (DN 16), the Mahsaccaka-sutta (MN 36), the Mahapadana Sutta (DN 14), and the Achariyabhuta Sutta (MN 123), which contain selective accounts that may be older but are not full biographies. The Jtaka tales, which recount Gautama Buddha’s past incarnations as bodhisattvas, are among the earliest Buddhist writings. Both the Mahpadna Sutta and the Achariyabhuta Sutta describe miraculous occurrences surrounding the birth of Gautama, including the bodhisattva’s descent from Tuita Heaven into his mother’s womb.

A number of various, and occasionally contradictory, traditional biographies from a later period are the sources that give a comprehensive picture of Siddhrtha Gautama’s life. The Buddhacarita, Lalitavistara Stra, Mahvastu, and the Nidnakath are a few of these. The Buddhacarita, an epic poem by the poet Avaghoa that was written in the first century CE, is the earliest complete biography of these. The Lalitavistara Stra, a biography of Mahyna/Sarvstivda that dates to the third century CE, is the next-oldest work on biography.
Birth and early life
The Buddhist mythology states that Gautama was raised in Kapilavastu after being born in Lumbini, which is now in Nepal. Ancient Kapilavastu’s precise location is unknown. Piprahwa, Uttar Pradesh, in modern-day India, or Tilaurakot, in modern-day Nepal, could have been the location. Only 24 kilometers (15 miles) separate the two locations, which both belonged to the Sakya region.
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The Emperor Ashoka established a pillar with the following inscription in Lumbini in the middle of the third century BCE after concluding that it was the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. The Buddha, sage of the Kyas (kyamuni), was born in this location.
His mother, Maya (Mydev), was the wife of Suddhodana, and according to later biographies like the Mahavastu and the Lalitavistara, she was a princess from Devdaha, the former seat of the Koliya Kingdom (present-day Rupandehi District in Nepal). According to legend, Queen Maya dreamed that a white elephant with six white tusks entered her right side the night Siddhartha was conceived. Ten months later, Siddhartha was born. His mother, Queen Maya, followed Shakya custom and departed for her father’s kingdom to give birth when she became pregnant.

In Lumbini, in a garden with a sal tree, it is said that she gave birth to her son while traveling there. According to the earliest Buddhist sources, the Buddha was born to the Shakyas, a tribe of rice farmers who lived close to the modern border between India and Nepal, and were members of the aristocratic Kshatriya (Pali: khattiya) family known as Gotama (Sanskrit: Gautama). His father, Uddhodana, was “an elected chief of the Shakya clan,” which had Kapilavastu as its center and was later annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Kosala during the Buddha’s lifetime. His last name was Gautama.
FAQs: The Buddha
Did Buddha believe in Krishna?
Much like Hinduism’s adoption of the Buddha as an avatar, Buddhism legends too adopted Krishna in their Jataka tales, claiming Krishna (Vishnu avatar) to be a character whom Buddha met and taught in his previous births.
What is Buddha the god of?
The religion’s founder, Buddha, is considered an extraordinary being, but not a god. The word Buddha means “enlightened.” The path to enlightenment is attained by utilizing morality, meditation and wisdom. Buddhists often meditate because they believe it helps awaken truth.
Is Buddha a god in Hinduism?
Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is also venerated as a manifestation of God in Hinduism and the Baháʼí Faith. Some Hindu texts regard Buddha as an avatar of the god Vishnu, who came to Earth to delude beings away from the Vedic religion. Some Non-denominatonal and Quranist Muslims believe he was a prophet.