The Buddha

The Buddha Both “Buddha” and “Gautama” here are redirected. See Gautama (disambiguation) and Buddha (disambiguation) for related terms. 

According to Buddhist legend, he was born to royal Shakya clan parents in Lumbini, present-day Nepal, but abandoned his home life to live as a wandering ascetic (Sanskrit: ramaa). 

He advocated for a middle path that avoids extreme asceticism while still allowing for sensual indulgence, leading to Nirvana 

Donald Lopez Jr. , “. He was typically referred to as either Buddha or Sakyamuni in China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet, and as either Gotama Buddha or Samana Gotama 

His surname was Siddhrtha Gautama (Siddhattha Gotama in Pali). (Sanskrit; P.) “Siddhrtha”. Siddhartha; T. Don grump; C. Xidaduo and J. ; Shiddatta/Shittatta; K. Siltalta)  

The Mahparinibba Sutta, which contains a thorough account of the Buddha’s final days, is one of the Pli suttas that, according to Indologist and Pli expert Oskar von Hinüber 

There were no written accounts of Gautama from his lifetime or the century or two that followed. However, starting in the third century BCE 

Earlier canonical sources include the Ariyapariyesana Sutta (MN 26), the Mahparinibba Sutta (DN 16), the Mahsaccaka-sutta (MN 36), the Mahapadana Sutta (DN 14) 

The Buddhist mythology states that Gautama was raised in Kapilavastu after being born in Lumbini, which is now in Nepal.