Meditation is a clear awareness of exactly what is happening as it happens
Vipassana is a Pali word derived from the prefix “vi-” and passana in which vi means ” a special way ” and passana means “perceiving” . It is a way of self-transformation through self-observation . It can be translated as “Insight,” a clear awareness of exactly what is happening as it happens .

It is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation . It can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and a better sense of inner peace. It’s different from other types of meditation techniques, like pranayama or visualization.
It offers soo many benefits :
- Relieves stress
- Improves mental wellness
- Helps treat addiction
- Reduces anxiety
- Promotes brain plasticity

There are five rules of meditatation
- to abstain from killing any being
- to abstain from telling lies
- to abstain from stealing
- to abstain from all intoxicants
- to abstain from all sexual activity
Vipassana is the oldest of Buddhist meditation practices . It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body .

The term vipassana is often conflated with themovement, a movement which popularised the new vipassana teachings and practice .
It is a direct and gradual cultivation of mindfulness or awareness. In these meditation you focus on a task or image. You actively train your mind and body to do something specific

FAQs : Vipassana
What is 10 day Vipassana?
10 days, 11 hours of meditation per day
Is Vipassana painful?
these sessions were intensely uncomfortable and painful.