East India’s Bihar region shares a border with Nepal. The River Ganges, which floods its productive plains, divides it.


Patna’s history and customs date back to the very first days of  civilization. Pataliputra or Patalipattan was the original name of the  city, 


In Bihar’s Gaya District, Bodh Gaya is a popular Buddhist pilgrimage  site. Here, beneath the Bodhi tree, It is famous for the Mahabodhi Temple. 

Bodh Gaya

Rajgir, a stunning city in the Nalanda District of the state of Bihar,  attracts travelers from all over the world. The area is situated in a  valley and is surrounded by rocky hillocks.  


By dividing the previous district of Tirhut, Muzaffarpur District, also  known as “The Land Of Leechi,” was created in 1875 for administrative  convenience.  

Muzaffarpur District

Gaya is unquestionably one of Bihar’s most emblematic cities. To say  that Gaya has the most rich history and culture of any district in Bihar  would not be overstating the case. 
