
The Maldives is an archipelago of islands in South Asia’s Indian Ocean.  It is located about 750 kilometers from  the center of the Asian landmass, southwest of Sri Lanka and India.  

The Maldives is one of the world’s most topographically dispersed  sovereign states, the smallest Asian nation, one of the smallest  Muslim-majority countries via land area.

Its total land area is approximately 90,000 square kilometers, including the ocean, and the land area of the relative multitude  of islands comprises 298 square kilometers. 

Malé, the nation’s capital and most populous city, is also known as the  “Ruler’s Island,” the location of the former imperial administrations’  administrative hub. 

Male City

the city is made up of a focal island, an air terminal island, and four  other islands that are all under the control of the Malé City Gathering. 


Fulhadhoo is one of the possessed islands of Southern Maalhosmadulhu Atoll, code letter “Baa”, in Maldives.  

Alifu Alifu Atoll

There are historical relics from the Maldivian Buddhist era on many of  the islands in this atoll that have been inhabited since antiquity. 

Addu Atoll

The populated areas of Addu Atoll, specifically the natural islands of  Hulhudhoo, Meedhoo, Maradhoo, Feydhoo, and Hithadhoo, make up Addu City.