Om/Aum /Ooum is a sacred sound which gives the feel of Oneness or Singularity or peace Of Mind and a spiritual icon in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is considered the sound of the universe and represents the essence of all that exists. In this article, we will explore the significance and meaning , its origin and history, and its use in various spiritual practices.

What is Om , How it recognised ?
Om is a Sanskrit word that is made up of three sounds, namely A, U, and M. When these sounds are combined, they create the syllable . In Hinduism ,It is considered the most sacred sound and is chanted at the beginning and end of prayers, mantras, and meditation sessions.
The sound is said to represent the three states of consciousness, namely waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. The A sound represents the waking state, the U sound represents the dream state, and the M sound represents the deep sleep state. When the three sounds are combined, they represent the fourth state of consciousness, which is beyond the three states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
Origin and History
The origin can be traced back to the ancient scriptures of the Hindu religion, such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. These texts mention the significance and meaning and how it should be used in spiritual practices.
According to Hindu mythology, It is the sound that was created when the universe was formed. It is said that the sound of Om was the first sound that was heard in the universe and it continues to resonate throughout the cosmos.

The use in spiritual practices can be traced back to the Vedic period, which was around 1500 BCE. The Vedas are a collection of ancient texts that are considered the oldest scriptures of the Hindu religion. The Vedas mention the use in various rituals and prayers.
Significance and Meaning
It is considered the most sacred sound in Hinduism and is often referred to as the “sound of the universe.” It is believed that the sound has a profound effect on the mind and body and can help to connect with the divine.
In Hinduism, this sound represents the ultimate reality, which is Brahman. Brahman is considered the universal consciousness that pervades all of existence. This sound is said to represent the essence of Brahman and can help to connect with this universal consciousness.
The three sounds that make up Om also have their own significance and meaning. The A sound represents creation, the U sound represents preservation, and the M sound represents destruction. These three sounds are also said to represent the three aspects of the Hindu trinity, which are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
The use of Om in Meditation Gives Internal Peace and Feel Of Oneness !
It is often used in meditation as a mantra or a chant. When chanting the sound is usually repeated three times, with a pause between each repetition. The first repetition is said to represent the waking state, the second repetition represents the dream state, and the third repetition represents the deep sleep state.

Chanting Om is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body and can help to focus the mind during meditation. It is also believed to help connect with the divine and increase spiritual awareness.
In addition to chanting Om, it can also be visualized during meditation. Visualizing the symbol , which is a combination of the letters A, U, and M, can help to connect with the sound of Om and its significance.
The use of Om in Yoga
It is often used in yoga as well, particularly at the beginning and end of yoga classes. The sound is chanted collectively by the participants to create a sense of unity and to connect with the divine.
In addition, the physical posture of yoga is also said to be symbolic of the sound . The straight posture with the hands in prayer position represents the A sound, the outstretched arms represent the U sound, and the arms brought together over the head represent the M sound.

The use of Om in Other Spiritual Practices
It is also used in other spiritual practices such as chanting and prayer. In Buddhism, It is often used in the form of the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” which is believed to represent the path to enlightenment.
In Jainism, It is often used in the form of the mantra “Namah Shivaya,” which is believed to represent the worship of Lord Shiva.
In conclusion, It is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is considered the sound of the universe and represents the essence of all that exists. The sound is said to represent the three states of consciousness, namely waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, and when the three sounds are combined, they represent the fourth state of consciousness, which is beyond the three states.
It is often used in spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, chanting, and prayer. Chanting Om is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body and can help to connect with the divine. In addition, the physical posture of yoga is also said to be symbolic of the sound
Overall, It is a powerful symbol and tool that can help to increase spiritual awareness and connect with the ultimate reality that pervades all of existence. By using It in our spiritual practices, we can experience a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, with others, and with the divine.
Additionally, the sound of Om is not only limited to spiritual practices, but it also has scientific and therapeutic benefits. The sound has been found to have a positive effect on the brain and the nervous system. It can induce a sense of calmness and relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality.
The vibrations produced by chanting Om are also said to have a healing effect on the body. Sound healing is a form of therapy that uses sound vibrations to promote healing and balance in the body. Chanting Om is one of the most common forms of sound healing and is believed to have a positive effect on the chakras and the energy flow in the body.
In conclusion, It is a powerful and sacred symbol that has a deep spiritual significance and meaning. It is a tool that can be used to connect with the ultimate reality that pervades all of existence and to increase spiritual awareness. It is also a sound that has scientific and therapeutic benefits and can be used to promote healing and balance in the body.
By incorporating the sound into our daily lives, we can experience a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, with others, and with the universe.
It is important to note that the use should be done with respect and understanding of its significance and meaning. In Hinduism, It is considered a sacred symbol and should not be used casually or without proper understanding. It is important to learn about the cultural and spiritual significance of Om before incorporating it into our own spiritual practices.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the use of Om should not be used in a way that appropriates or disrespects the Hindu culture and religion. It is important to approach the use of Om with mindfulness and respect for the traditions and beliefs of those who have been practicing it for centuries.
In conclusion, It is a powerful and significant symbol that has been used for thousands of years in spiritual practices. It represents the essence of all that exists and can help to connect us with the divine and increase our spiritual awareness. Its use has also been found to have scientific and therapeutic benefits. However, it is important to approach its use with respect and understanding of its cultural and spiritual significance. By incorporating the sound into our daily lives, we can experience a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, with others, and with the universe.
What is the Om symbol ?
The word Om is defined by Hindu scripture as being the primordial sound of creation.
Does Om mean God?
It can also be identified as a deeply religious symbol in Indian philosophy, where it is believed that God first created sound and everything then arose from it. The Upanishads claim that Om is indeed God in the form of sound.
Is Om a symbol of Shiva?
In the Puranas the syllable is put to sectarian use; thus, the Shaivites mark the lingam, or sign of Shiva, with the symbol for om, whereas the Vaishnavites identify the three sounds as referring to a trinity composed of Vishnu, his wife Shri Lakshmi, and the worshipper.