Global warming
The gradual rise in the planet’s average temperature is referred to as global warming. Despite the fact that this warming trend has been ongoing for a while, the burning of fossil fuels has significantly sped up its pace in the last century. The amount of fossil fuels burned has increased along with the size of the human population. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas results in the “greenhouse effect,” which affects the atmosphere of Earth.

The greenhouse effect occurs when the sun’s rays reach the earth’s atmosphere but the heat they generate cannot escape back into space when it is reflected off the surface. The heat cannot escape from the atmosphere because of the gases created when fossil fuels are burned. Carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide are the compounds that make up these greenhouse gases. Global warming, also known as excess heat in the atmosphere, is the gradual increase in the average global temperature.
Changing weather
The world is now concerned about global warming or climate change. Changing weather patterns, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, floods, cyclones, and droughts are all signs that it is gradually evolving into a crisis of unprecedented proportions. The term “global warming” refers to an increase in the Earth’s average temperature as a result of greenhouse gases being trapped in the atmosphere.

If we want to save the world from disaster, we urgently need to increase awareness of global warming. In accordance with various categories and word counts, we are offering you some helpful articles on global warming here. Any of them may be chosen based on your requirements.
Impact of Greenhouse Gases
The unusually warm weather in recent years has alarmed people all over the world. But the truth is that a significant portion of North America’s eastern coast, along with other forested regions of the world, were deforested beginning in 1800, which is when carbon dioxide levels first started to rise. After the industrial revolution, things got worse as a result of emissions, which raised the level of carbon dioxide by 1900.

The reason a gas is called a greenhouse is because it absorbs heat from the Sun’s infrared radiation and transfers it to the atmosphere, where it eventually escapes into space. Although it has a much smaller impact on global temperatures, greenhouse gases also speed up the rate at which the atmosphere can absorb short-wave radiation from the Sun.
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More heat from the Sun is being trapped in our atmosphere thanks to the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, which are building up around the Earth like an insulating blanket. Human-made actions are referred to as anthropogenic actions, and the release of CO2 is one such anthropogenic action that contributes to the current enhanced greenhouse effect.
The “Conclusion” reaffirms that the main issue facing our global society is global warming. There is little doubt that the effects of global warming will alter our climate in the ensuing century. In order to combat global warming, there must first be an international political solution. As all economic development is based on rising energy consumption, funding for developing low-cost and clean energy production must be increased. Therefore, we must be ready for the worst and be adaptable and not place all of our faith in world politics and clean energy technology. Many of the expenses and harm that a changing climate might cause can be reduced if measures are taken now.

Therefore, it is crucial to create a portfolio or combination of tactics that includes mitigation, adaptation, technological advancement (to improve both adaptation and mitigation), and research (on climate science, impacts, adaptation, and mitigation). However, the analysis of the advantages of different strategy combinations is currently severely constrained by a lack of knowledge regarding the potential costs of impacts, a lack of comparable knowledge regarding the harm that could be avoided by adaptation, and, most importantly, a lack of knowledge regarding how these impacts will vary under various socioeconomic development pathways. Our knowledge needs to be filled in these gaps as soon as possible.
Reasons for Global Warming
Carbon dioxide (CO2), a significant environmental component, is the primary offender. Due to an increase in water evaporation into the atmosphere, it is warming the Earth’s surface area. Due to the fact that water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the heating of additional water vapor will cause it to evaporate, aggravating the warming even more. With the continued burning of fossil fuels, it is unlikely that CO2 levels will decrease. Sulfur, CFCs, and methane are additional global warming contributors in addition to CO2.

In addition to population growth, technological advancement, industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources is also contributing to an increase in the production of these gases. We produce enormous amounts of CO2 even when we cook food. Burning fossil fuels, coal, lubricants, and gas is part of our excessive use of technology. In internal-combustion automobile engines, burning gasoline results in significant emissions. Additionally, a cluster of sulfur has formed, having a negative impact on environmental pollution.
Impact of human activities on Global Warming
Everyday activities that we engage in contribute significantly more gas to the Earth’s atmosphere than is required. For instance, we burn coal, gas, and oil to power our homes, businesses, and automobiles. Our atmosphere is overproduced with greenhouse gases as a result.

Extremes of heat and cold are brought on by climate change. This may even result in more severe storms and droughts, which could harm Earth’s plants and animals.
FAQs: Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature.
What is global warming and its causes and effects?
Global warming is the phenomenon of gradual increase in the average temperature of earth . It is caused by the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc. into the atmosphere.
What is global warming short essay?
Global warming is a phenomenon where the earth’s average temperature rises due to increased amounts of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and ozone trap the incoming radiation from the sun.
Why is global warming a problem?
Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also cause a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land, a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and floods, and threats to biodiversity.